VR Application for California Prunes
Client - California Prunes
Project realized with our partners BTL Mai-Tai Agency
To present the entire process of preparing California Prunes, highlighting their global uniqueness through an engaging experience for journalists. It was essential to convey the connection between California’s climate, harvesting techniques, drying methods, and the distinctive quality of the plums.
In collaboration with our partners, we developed a virtual reality (VR) application consisting of six immersive and interactive scenes, simulating a virtual journey through California. The experience was designed to transport users through every stage of the plum production process, combining technical information and direct interaction.
User Experience
The application allows users to experience the production process engagingly, giving the sensation of physically being in California's fields. Users can explore orchards, observe machinery in action, and even participate actively in harvesting.
Technical Details
High-resolution textures, ray tracing, ambient occlusion, 3D audio, and interactive hardware such as VR headsets and controllers with real-time tracking.
Increased engagement and understanding of the production process, highlighted product uniqueness, and positive media impact during international press events.
Demonstrated VR's potential to effectively tell product stories, transforming technical processes into memorable and impactful experiences.